Thursday, November 24, 2005

An Embarrassment of Mangoes by Ann Vanderhoof

Wow! Am I ever glad that I picked this book up off the library shelf and brought it home on a whim, and am I ever EVER glad that I decided to actually read it instead of taking it back to the library like so many other impulse picks.

I love travelogues, and this one is particularly memorable. It's the story of the author and her husband's two-year journey on their boat, Receta, from Toronto all the way to the Carribean and back, with many stops along the way. Vanderhoof is a journalist and it shows in the vivid writing that creates such wonderful pictures and sounds and smells in my mind as I read the descriptions of the places, people, cultures and especially, the food they encountered along the way. Each chapter ends with at least one recipe, though I'm not tempted enough to try and track down the ingredients that are abundant in more tropical places than Vancouver.

This was a perfect read for a cold late fall day. I enthusiastically recommend it!

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